Site logo for Pacific Northwest Sacred Harp Singers


It is our intention that when you purchase here one of the three books we sell, you will pick up your copy at a singing. This is why no shipping is charged. There are options for how you pay for your book(s):

  1. Bring a check or cash or credit card to the singing -- the price to you is the same whether here or there -- warn us via email which books to bring for you and to bring the SquareUp device for your credit card.
  2. If you wish to use a credit card: click on the SquareUp link below. You will be taken to our SquareUp marketplace and you can select your book(s) there. You may purchase one or all in a single transaction.
  3. If you wish to use your Paypal account funds: click on the Paypal button next to your choice below. You can only buy one kind of book at a time (we don't have a "shopping cart" for multiple items in a single order) so if you want to, e.g., buy a Cooper SH and a Christmas Harp, do so as separate transactions.
SquareUp Button
Cooper Sacred Harp
The Sacred Harp, Cooper edition (2012), $25.00 This price is for in-person purchasing.

Denson Sacred Harp
The Sacred Harp, Denson edition (1991), $25.00 This price is for in-person purchasing.

Christmas Harp
An American Christmas Harp (2009), $18.00 This price is for in-person purchase. Shipping adds $4 to the price.

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